Saturday, April 28, 2007

The counts drop

Austin's blood counts have dropped off drasically in the last 24 hours, and he is very neutropenic. Normally, his white blood count should be between 4-10. It is currently at 0.3, which is very low. The doctors came by today and prepared him for a blood and platelet transfusion in the near future (probably the next couple of days). We finally have permanent internet access in the hospital room, and Austin really enjoyed reading everyones comments on his blog (he can now check it every day). I also read him the e-mail comments sent to my yahoo account. If you want to post a comment, and don't have a google account, you can "post" as an anonymous person on the blog. Thanks for all the encouragement and messages of care and concern for Austin!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys....Hang in there! Just trust in your faith, God tests us everyday he will only put us through what he knows we can handle! I think about the two of you everyday. Heres a joke for you Austin....What is back, red, and white?

A penguin with a sunburn!!!LOL get it?LOL.... Love you both Angie!

Anonymous said...

hi austin!,
i know that you are very smart and brave and you can just keep on hanging in there okay buddy!!!

i miss you not being in school
see you soon<