Sunday, April 29, 2007

Platelet Transfusion Time!

Austin had his first platelet transfusion this morning. He had no reaction to the plaletets because they were from a single donor. Usually when a bag of platelets is ordered, it is a combination of many different donors all in one bag (much higher risk of allergic reaction). So.....he lucked out this time as the "better stuff" was available. He has not been himself the last couple of days, and does not seem interested in doing much of anything. We just had our first out-of-town visitor, Scott (mom's boyfriend), leave today from Toronto. Austin has quite a line-up of visitors next month coming down, as well, which helps to "break-up" a long period in the hospital. We hope he will have been transferred into a "step-down" unit when they arrive so he can visit with them face to face.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you got the good stuff!!! Nothing but the best for you!!! I have some really cool things to send you, we'll be sending a package in the next couple of weeks.

P.S I hope you like video games!!!

Take care,
Sue & Ben

Anonymous said...

All our prayers and thoughts are with you and your mom right now. Hope things start to look up.

Patty (Wassenaar) Wood and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Lindsey and Austin - I love your "blogspot". I have worked with many adults recovering from stem cell transplants and know the challenges you face but also the hope that it gives you. Kristen remembers Austin from Sunday school and our prayers are with you for a full and speedy recovery.
Corina Setala and family