Sunday, May 6, 2007

Austin Shines!

Things are really looking up for Austin! We have discovered that Austin has set a new record at SickKids as being the first child out of isolation 10 days after transplant! He is a real fighter, to say the least. I am so proud of how well he is doing and can't believe round one of chemo is already finished - as scary as it was - IT'S OVER! Austin is beginning to walk a bit, but is quite stiff and sore after being confined to a hospital bed for the last month. He now has a bit more energy, and is playing some video games and board games. His drinking has increased and he is beginning to nibble on a few chips. His morphine has been decreased to the point the doctors were able to eliminate it completely. If he stays fever-free and increases his fluid and food intake, Austin may be able to go to the Ronald McDonald House (with daily nursing care) in a few days!


Anonymous said...

So happy to hear your record breaking news! It’s the Italian in you LOL! Forget the chips give this young man some PASTA for strength building.LOL That will fix you right up! Take care and enjoy some time out of the hospital! Angie & Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Austin and Lindsay,
I look forward to reading the updates, I check every day. Way to go Buddy, your a true fighter. I'm so proud of you. Keep Smiling.
Debbie M. (Birchcrest)