Saturday, June 23, 2007

One day at a time

It has been exactly six whole months since that horrible day when we found out that Austin had a brain tumour. I remember things as clearly as if it were yesterday. As I type this blog entry I glance up at the clock and think about what was going on at this time on December 23, 2006. Austin and I had just arrived at SickKids in Toronto via air ambulance - we entered an unknown world that has now become our safe haven of hope and our second home. It is hard to believe that it has been so long. I guess when you live "one day at a time" dates really don't mean that much.

Austin is doing much better today. His white blood cells "bottomed out" today at less than 0.1, so we just need to wait for those stem cells to kick in and work their magic. Austin has had (only) one platelet transfusion so far, and he is down to eleven IV medications (at the moment). He ate one small slice of cantaloupe today and drank a bit of water, as well. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is better than nothing. Small steps.

Six months have passed - one more day is done.
One step closer until this is all behind us.
Still taking things one day at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, glad to see things are getting better. I know it was rough for you last week. We are always thinking about you. Sylvain is doing ok. His chemo started yesterday. At that he is feeling well. On Thursday, he went to the park with André and the chair tipped over and so now Sylvain has a broken wrist. Thank goodness he broke his right wrist and not his left one. Now his he'll be in a cast for 4-6 weeks. Oh what joy!!! At least he will be able to ride "his horse" Moonlight. Is there therapeutic horseback riding down in you end? Sylvain loves this activity and it will be very good for him physically. Maybe you'll be lucky and get the same chance once you are home. We were really happy to see you on the 14th. Keep up the goodwork! We know you are working very hard at getting better.

Talk to you soon,

Love the Noël gang.