Saturday, September 1, 2007
Home at Last!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Finally going home!
Austin had a lumbar puncture this morning. This is done regularly to ensure that there is no cancer cells in his spinal fluid. He is pretty sore from the procedure, and is having an afternoon nap right now. It still amazes me how incredibly cooperative Austin is with the nurses and doctors. He never complains, or screams or cries. I honestly have no idea how he stays so calm and collected when he knows a giant needle is getting jabbed into his spine. He is so much stronger than I would ever expect him to be.
Austin - mommy's little solider.
We hope to head home this Friday for 12 whole days! Austin needs to come back to Toronto for a physiotherapy assessment, clinic visit, blood work and IV Pentamidine. Austin still has a lengthy road to recovery - but we hope to get him on track before he returns to school in January. Back home in Longlac Austin will have a home care nurse visit weekly. I am able to manage the maintenance of his central line care (flushing, hepronizing, changing dressing/caps) on my own, but will have a nurse pop in regularly. The doctors want to keep the CVL in for 2-3 months post-transplant. It provides easy, pain-free access for blood work, transfusions and antibiotics in case of emergency.
Well, I had better get packing - it is amazing all the things that you accumulate in a few months! Scott should be arriving here tomorrow to take us home in his truck. We are trying to avoid crowd exposure on a commercial airline flight until Austin's immune system recovers.
I will keep you posted!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Love those counts!
Today brings thoughts of how blessed both Austin and I have been throughout this whole ordeal. Austin has fought so hard and been through so much. Thank God he has made it. On the other hand, I am saddened to think of the children we have met along the way whose journey has ended differently than Austin's. Although relapse is a word I will always fear, I cannot live with the thought that Austin will ever have to go through this again.
Right now we have our fingers crossed that Austin will stay healthy and fever-free, which will bring us another step closer to going home!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Clinic visit update
Austin's friend Brian came over today to play a few matches of Yu-gi-oh (a dueling card game).
Monday, August 13, 2007
Enjoying time away from the hospital
I am beginning to understand how this whole outpatient/clinic thing works.... and I don't much care for it. On Friday Austin went to clinic at around 10:30am to get a CBC (blood work) to check how his body was recovering from the four rounds of high-dose chemo he just completed. It wasn't surprising to hear that he would need another platelet transfusion, due to a critically low platelet count. Honestly, I have lost count of how many transfusions this will now be. The doctors have told me that platelets are the last thing to recover after a bone marrow transplant, so we are anxiously awaiting for Austin to begin producing his own platelets. Anyways, back to my little story. After waiting in clinic for 4 hours, we were told to make our way to the daycare centre where the transfusion would take place. We arrived at daycare to learn that the blood bank did not have platelets to send for Austin, and we ended up staying at the hospital until 9:30pm (when all was said and done). If you have been doing the math that is 11 hours in clinic, which makes for a really long day! Luckily, Austin's counts were great today, so it only took 4 hours in clinic today to let us know that. He will probably need to get another platelet transfusion this Wednesday, and the doctor told me Austin has been added to the outpatient single-donor list. Hopefully, there will be a fresh bag of platelets set aside for Austin's arrival to clinic on Wednesday. Of course, our hope is that he won't need another transfusion at all. If we have learned anything during the last 9 months here in Toronto - it is patience.
My dad arrived in Toronto on Saturday, after spending a few days in Longlac helping Scott prepare the house for Austin's arrival. I can't say exactly when we will go back home, but I anticipate spending a few more weeks here in Toronto before the doctors will allow Austin to leave for Longlac. Anyways, things are coming along with the house preparations. Our entire place has been striped of all carpets, the walls have been primed with disinfectant/sealer, the air exchange system has been cleaned with the filters changed, and all the rooms have been thoroughly cleaned. I also purchased an air purifier for Austin's room (although I am sure the air back home is much better than the smog that we breathe here in Toronto). Although the house doesn't look the greatest (I can only speculate, as I haven't seen it since March) it sure will be clean and the best environment for Austin - next to being back in a reverse isolation unit - that is. And hopefully he will never have to go back into one of those.
Now back to our brutal game of "Risk" world domination.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Recovery Progress
Yesterday Austin was walking down the hallway of the hospital and he fell on the hard floor and bruised his hip. He is working really hard to get his legs working again, but it is quite difficult. His leg muscles are very weak, and his balance is limited. My little solider is still as tough as nails, though. He keeps pushing forward.
Uncle Richy is visiting right now - and he is a breathe of fresh air! Austin received a 6-hour day pass on Saturday, Sunday, and today - so we have all been hangin' out at the Ronald McDonald House having fun! Yesterday we played an intense game of Risk. Austin and Uncle Richy are playing Ultimate Alliance on the Playstation 3 right now as I type this blog posting. It is so nice to see Austin getting back to himself as he starts feeling better.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Test results
1) Was the chemotherapy successful in killing all of the cancer? and
2) How damaging was the chemotherapy to the rest of Austin's body?
Yesterday, Austin went for his first and most important test: an MRI of his brain. Today, the BMT (bone-marrow transplant) doctor came in to tell us that the MRI looked "clear" of any tumour(s). However, the neuro-oncology doctor visited shortly thereafter. He inquired about the MRI, and I explained that, once again, the MRI team did not complete the full MRI of Austin's brain and spine. Also, they neglected to inject him with contrast dye prior to doing the pictures. These mistakes make for an inconclusive MRI. It looks like we will have to go back again for another MRI next week.
Today Austin had a hearing test. Sadly, he has (mild to moderate to severe) hearing loss that is permanent. He will need a hearing aid in the near future. Poor little guy. A small price to pay, though, to beat cancer and save his life.
Tomorrow Uncle Richy (my brother) will be coming to Toronto to visit for a whole week! We are both very excited to see him. Austin has been granted weekend day passes out of the hospital - so we can actually visit with Rich at the Ronald McDonald House. Then, we go back to the hospital to sleepover and get overnight hydration. The plan is to discharge Austin on Tuesday from the hospital to the Ronald McDonald House. However, we will need to remain in Toronto for a while yet until his blood counts stabilize. He will be going to the hospital for clinic a few times a week, which will be gradually reduced over time.
Monday, July 30, 2007
A wonderful day!
Today we plan on going for a little walk down the hall to try and get his legs working. Austin is very weak, and is not stable standing or walking. His muscles have become very weak because of the limited movement he has had. However, I am sure that in next to no time he will be "back on his feet again" (literally)!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Shortage of blood products
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Transplant #4
Austin just received his 4th and final stem-cell/bone-marrow transplant. It went very smoothly (as usual). Austin has been so fortunate over the course of his treatment not to run into any major complications (knock on wood). Believe it or not - this is very rare. Children receiving Austin's treatment usually run into some serious problems along the way. (I guess a year ago I would have thought that Austin's problems were very "serious" - isolation, regular blood transfusions, non-stop antibiotics, IV nutrition, constant monitoring of vitals, chemo, fluctuating electrolyte levels, heart/oxygen/blood pressure monitors, tests, daily blood work, etc. etc., etc. - but you get so used to it that it becomes a "normal" part of every day). Fortunately, Austin has never been unstable to the point that he needed to go to ICU during this phase of treatment. Like I said, for most kids on this unit, this is not the case. So I remind myself daily at how blessed Austin and I are in so many ways.
Austin's spirits seem to be up a bit as he is now approaching the end of treatment. It will be a long road of recovery for Austin, and he will need all the support he can get to keep up a positive attitude. Any gestures of encouragement/congratulations/help you can send over the next few weeks would be very much appreciated to help Austin along the way.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Round #4 Begins
Monday, July 9, 2007
Out and back again
Friday, July 6, 2007
A temporary set-back
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Waiting to escape
Austin is so close to getting out of the hospital. One problem - he won't eat. I mean he won't eat ANYTHING! He says that everything tastes bad. Now that the doctors have cut his TPN (IV food) in half, his stomach aches with hunger. Still he refuses to eat (although he drinks sufficiently). I think this will be his biggest obstacle to overcome once treatment has finished. Will we ever get out of here?
Grandma flew out of Toronto this afternoon after a two week visit, arriving safely back in Thunder Bay with no flight delays (she flew Westjet - of course). Scott will be coming down tomorrow to stay for the weekend. We sure do enjoy the company - and look forward to seeing Sheila and Grandpa next week.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Things turn around
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tummy troubles
Initial results from the lab show that his intestinal tract infection (c-difficle)has cleared up. However, they are doing a few extra tests to be sure before they officially "clear him" and take him off the antibiotic (metronidazole) used to treat the infection. I'm hoping that once some of the antibiotics are reduced, the nausea will subside. Austin's system has really taken a beating this round, and he doesn't have the energy to do much more than sleep. We have had some nice talks together, though, and we did a little Canada Day word scramble together today.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Waiting for the counts to recover
Austin had another platelet and blood transfusion yesterday that caused a minor reaction. He has also been put on a new antibiotic for another possible infection. Austin's counts still have not recovered from chemotherapy, and he is day +8 post-transplant. The doctors don't seem overly concerned (unlike me - but all mom's probably worry more than we need to). The staff all agree that his body may take longer to recuperate this time around because it has already been "blasted" with so much.
Spirits are down on ward 8B at SickKids today (Austin's "home" for the last few months). Some of our "little fighters" lost their battle last night - it happened all so quickly and all at once. I cannot begin to imagine how horrible it must be to lose your child. In addition to these tragedies, the boy across the hall from Austin, who has the exact same brain tumour and exact same treatment protocol, went down to the Critical Care Unit (CCU) last night after a terrifying code blue (the child had stopped breathing and their heart had stopped beating). It is so scary because it is hard not to think - will it be Austin next time? One day they seem fine and the next moment they are desperately fighting to remain alive.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
One day at a time
Austin is doing much better today. His white blood cells "bottomed out" today at less than 0.1, so we just need to wait for those stem cells to kick in and work their magic. Austin has had (only) one platelet transfusion so far, and he is down to eleven IV medications (at the moment). He ate one small slice of cantaloupe today and drank a bit of water, as well. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it is better than nothing. Small steps.
Six months have passed - one more day is done.
One step closer until this is all behind us.
Still taking things one day at a time.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A better day
As I initially suspected Austin does indeed have a severe infection of the digestive tract known as clostridium difficile (c-diff). Long-term antibiotic usage is the primary cause for developing c-diff, in combination with a long hospital stay and a suppressed immune system (Austin had all the cards stacked against him for this one!) Ironically, the treatment for this infection is yet another powerful antibiotic called Flagyl - it just seems like a vicious cycle! Well, at least the worst is now over, and Austie is on the mend. He played Zelda on the game cube today, which surprised me considering how sick he has been. His temperature is 36.8 again (no fever) and his diarrhea is almost all gone. We are looking forward to maybe getting a half-decent sleep tonight. Austin's transplant went really well today, and he had an uplifting experience with the Demerol that they gave him before he got his stem-cells (if you want to see what stem cells look like check out the picture above). It was so cute because he said he felt like "he was floating in the clouds."
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Another tough day
As a result of the non-stop vomiting and diarrhea Austin requires concentrated amounts of potassium, phosphate, and magnesium which have been given throughout the day via his central line. This additional concoction adds heart monitors to the equation which is yet another alarm to beep beep beep through the night when his heart rate or rhythm fluctuates. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Please say a special prayer for Austin tonight, and send along some words of encouragement if you have a chance so I can read them to him.
Oh yeah, Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
A rough start
So far, the chemo has not brought on any blood pressure fluctuations, breathing difficulties or shaking (like previously seen) - but he has been horribly ill! He has not stopped throwing up since his first dose of vincristine, amifostine and cisplatin yesterday. He also has had very bad diarrhea which, in turn, has messed up his electrolyte levels. He received more chemo today in the form of cyclophosphamide, which has continued to cause him great discomfort. His anti-nausea medications are not having any effect, so the nurse just gave him some gravol to help him get to sleep (which is the only comfort he really has right now). Austin also got a high fever this afternoon, and is on 3 different antibiotics to combat whatever it is he may have contracted. The fever is still rising and he cannot tolerate Tylenol in his stomach which would help alleviate the fever. Apparently, IV acetaminophen is available in the US, but has not been approved for use in Canada - go figure. Austin's TPN and lipids have restarted (after some persistence from mom who had to ensure he received a 24-hour infusion of "hot dogs in a bag" - as we like to call it here at the hospital).
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Back into the hospital
We are now nearing the 6 month mark since Austin's brain tumour diagnosis. It is so hard to look back on all that has happened to Austie. I hope that he never has to live through this hell again. I can't believe that a whole year will go by before we can say good-bye to all of this and resume a "normal life." I remind myself, though, that as bad as things may be some days, things could be worse. I need only look around at some of the other suffering children and families that may never return home with their child - I thank the Lord that Austin has been given the chance of survival.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Ronald McDonald House
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
A break from the hospital?
Over the last few days Austin has had a series of tests to see how damaging the chemotherapy has been to his kidneys, heart and hearing. I have not received any feedback on the results of these tests, except for the post-audiology test where I made detailed inquires into Austin's obvious hearing loss. The audiologist explained things to me, and basically, Austin has sustained significant hearing damage that is beginning to affect the "speech range" used for daily communication. Fortunately, options are available after his cancer treatment, such as hearing aids, to help him along the way. Austin also had a MRI two days ago, and the preliminary results show no new tumour growth in his brain. He has a lumbar puncture scheduled for tomorrow, as well. The LP will (hopefully) confirm the MRI results that indeed the cancer is not spreading throughout his central nervous system.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Live Action
Austin's World
Here's a little video to give a different perspective on the daily activities around here.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Another restful day
Sunday, May 27, 2007
It seems that post-transplant Austin is doing better than last round. However, it could be that we know what to expect at each phase of the 28 day cycle. The unknown can be very scary, so I think there is some comfort in knowing Austin is repeating the exact same regimen he has already undergone.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Transplant #2 Complete
Friday, May 18, 2007
A rough start to the 2nd round of chemo
Today marks the first day of Austin's second round of chemotherapy. It began with the cisplatin bag of chemo breaking and leaking during infusion, which caused a bit of a panic on the ward. Today was a bit more difficult compared to first round, as Austin experienced some breathing difficulty and a drop in blood pressure. He also had a spike in fever which put him right back on antibiotics. Austin's TPN (IV food) was restarted today because severe nausea from the chemo drugs does not allow for any nutritional intake on his part. He even throws up (bile) when he hasn't eaten, which is very unpleasant to say the least. He is on 4 different anti-nausea drugs to try and make things more comfortable for him. This high-dose chemotherapy really is horrible - I would never have imagined it would be this bad!!! I can tell when the drugs hit his veins because of the way his body reacts. Hopefully tomorrows chemo will be a bit easier for my little soldier (so he can keep fighting and destroying those cancer cells)!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Not leaving the hospital
Unfortunately, on the day Austin was going to be released from the hospital (Monday), he sprang a very high fever. His fever is getting higher as I type this quick blog entry, and I have never seen one so high (his whole little body is red). He has been put on IV antibiotics and is taking steady doses of Tylenol to keep his temperature down. Hopefully the antibiotics will work to kill the virus in his system and bring down the fever before he begins his next cycle. It looks like he will not be getting out of the hospital in-between chemotherapy rounds this time.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Weekend pass!
Austin is very anxious to get active again - and was excited to tour around the hospital a bit (he insisted to take the stairs instead of the elevator - and was sore the next day). We played some football in the halls, and went for a wheelchair ride outside. Austin also visited his friend Sarah yesterday, who is staying in the hospital, as well. Austin received day passes for the weekend, so today we went to the Toronto Botanical Gardens and to the park. I am so glad that Austin will be out of the hospital for most of Mother's Day - what a wonderful gift for us both!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Austin Shines!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Step Down!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Blood Transfusion
We played a game of operation today (Austin won - as usual), and "worked in" our new baseball gloves - in anticipation of a speedy recovery and break from the hospital.
I tried doing some magic tricks for Austin, but instead of "amazing" him, I made him laugh a lot (at me)..... hey, what are moms for, right?
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Platelet Transfusion Time!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The counts drop
Austin's blood counts have dropped off drasically in the last 24 hours, and he is very neutropenic. Normally, his white blood count should be between 4-10. It is currently at 0.3, which is very low. The doctors came by today and prepared him for a blood and platelet transfusion in the near future (probably the next couple of days). We finally have permanent internet access in the hospital room, and Austin really enjoyed reading everyones comments on his blog (he can now check it every day). I also read him the e-mail comments sent to my yahoo account. If you want to post a comment, and don't have a google account, you can "post" as an anonymous person on the blog. Thanks for all the encouragement and messages of care and concern for Austin!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Food Fight!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Another Day in Isolation
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Entering Isolation
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Chemo Hits
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Another Day of Chemo
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Day 2 of Round 1
Friday, April 20, 2007
How it went today
Yesterday involved some clowning around, but today things got down to serious business. Austin began the first day of his first round of chemo at approximately 2:30 this afternoon. The drugs are so toxic, the nurse requires protective gear to administer the chemo. It went better than I had anticipated. Austin has been sleeping most of the day. He had some minor shakes when the chemo entered his system, but this subsided after a few minutes. I am hesitant to be optimistic, though, because I have heard a whole lot of horror stories from other parents (when their children received the same drugs). It just seems like today went too well without any major complications... (talk about setting yourself up for unnecessary stress and worries). With the help of my dad, we have set up this blog for Austin with pictures and daily updates on his progress through treatment. I hope you can check in on occasion, and post a comment for the little guy.
Finally it begins...
This is a scary time for Austin and his whole family. Your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Austin begins next phase
After a "post-radiation break" back home, Austin arrived at SickKids again last week and underwent a series of tests on his heart, lungs, kidneys and hearing. He also had A LOT of bloodwork and a lumbar puncture. He has a central venous line inserted to receive his chemotherapy drugs, have blood taken and receive medications, etc. This will cut down the number of "pokes" he will need to receive.
Austin was scheduled to receive his first doses of chemo on Monday, but developed a high fever and infection overnight. They have taken cultures to determine what the problem is. His chemo is therefore being postponed for 48 hours. They are now running broad-spectrum antibiotics through his lines, and will be giving him TPN (food through an IV) due to his declining weight and appetite. Austin is a bit down in spirits, so I am trying everything to cheer him up.
Austin just came back from visiting the Starlite room (see pic) which is booked at certain times just for kids in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, to eliminate exposure to other sick children. It was a chance for him to get out of his hospital room for a bit. I will be checking my e-mail everyday now, so if you would like to send a message to Austin ( I will print it out and read it to him) feel free. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult period.........Lindsay